Thursday, September 22, 2011

And the 3 men I admire most; The Father, Son and The Holy Ghost

Friendship often ends in love; but love ending in friendship - Never. Oh how I wish it could. Things could get alot better alot faster. Round 3 was pretty event free. For me it was only a war in my head. nevr manifested pass my twisted thoughts of how I still can't accept the past as it is. Why I feel so desperate to fix things that another person did to me?  Watch every word that comes out of my mouth. In fear that they will take something wrong and be gone. To feel as if they are just barely hanging on in the first place. And that they were the one that initiated this and contacted me?   LOL  Spoken just like the good addict I am. No wonder I doped all the time!!  I sure cannot make this horse drink thats for sure. I beleive its not thirsty to begin with. But the last thing on earth I want to see is it turn and run and all all can do is watch.

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